Calling all graphic designers: Have you ever wanted to design your own T-shirt? Forget those kits you can find at your local supply store – go to, an online store for designing and selling T-shirts. All you have to do is make a design in a vector art program (Adobe Illustrator is a good one), or a raster program (such as Adobe Photoshop).
Transfer your design onto one of the downloadable templates found on their Web site. Then follow their basic guidelines. It’s a challenge: You’re only allowed to use four colors – black and white count.
Still not interested? After you submit your design, it gets scored. The users vote on submissions. The scoring process takes about seven days. If your design is chosen to be printed, not only do you get your art displayed on people’s shirts – you win $1,000 in cash and prizes!
Not the designing type? Check out the site and shop for unique T-shirts that you will not find anywhere else, but you will be surprised when you start recognizing them on other people.